Have you bought a copy of The Unexpected Diva (print, ebook, audio)? Have you told a friend? Maybe you’ve posted a review online on Goodreads or another platform? Would you like to hang out with ME and one of my book besties for a full day of pampering, food, wine, and book discussion fun?
Well, you should enter the Book Bestie Contest! And if you’ve done any of the above things, you’ve already earned entries!
This spring, I’m selecting four readers to bring their book bestie to hang with ME and one of my book besties for a full day of spa pampering, food, drink, and book discussion. Here are the cities: (You don’t have to LIVE in the city, this is where we’re hanging out. You can live anywhere! I’m not providing transportation, though. Only the fun at book bestie day.)
Contest runs from today until Monday, January 13th.
Here’s how you earn entries (1 entry per task):
- Buy a copy of THE UNEXPECTED DIVA (preorders count unless you used it to enter the bookclub contest)
2. Get your book bestie to buy a copy of the book. When they inbox me the image of the receipt on Facebook or IG (@tiffanylwarren), your book bestie should say, “My friend (enter your name) said I need to read The Unexpected Diva”
3. Post a review of The Unexpected Diva on Amazon or Goodreads
4. Post a photo on social media with your book and the hashtag #theunexpecteddiva Make sure to TAG ME!
5. After you’ve completed your tasks email me at tiffany@tiffanylwarren.com or DM me on IG. Tell me which city or cities you’re interested in attending (I am not providing transportation). Drawing will take place at my Night at the Opera event in Dallas, TX!