The Unexpected Diva Book Besties Contest

Have you bought a copy of The Unexpected Diva (print, ebook, audio)? Have you told a friend? Maybe you’ve posted a review online on Goodreads or another platform? Would you like to hang out with ME and one of my book besties for a full day of pampering, food, wine, and book discussion fun?

Well, you should enter the Book Bestie Contest! And if you’ve done any of the above things, you’ve already earned entries!

This spring, I’m selecting four readers to bring their book bestie to hang with ME and one of my book besties for a full day of spa pampering, food, drink, and book discussion. Here are the cities: (You don’t have to LIVE in the city, this is where we’re hanging out. You can live anywhere! I’m not providing transportation, though. Only the fun at book bestie day.)





Contest runs from today until Monday, January 13th.

Here’s how you earn entries (1 entry per task):

  1. Buy a copy of THE UNEXPECTED DIVA (preorders count unless you used it to enter the bookclub contest)

2. Get your book bestie to buy a copy of the book. When they inbox me the image of the receipt on Facebook or IG (@tiffanylwarren), your book bestie should say, “My friend (enter your name) said I need to read The Unexpected Diva”

3. Post a review of The Unexpected Diva on Amazon or Goodreads

4. Post a photo on social media with your book and the hashtag #theunexpecteddiva Make sure to TAG ME!

5. After you’ve completed your tasks email me at or DM me on IG. Tell me which city or cities you’re interested in attending (I am not providing transportation). Drawing will take place at my Night at the Opera event in Dallas, TX!

The Unexpected Diva

“Beautifully crafted and captivating.This triumphant tale is sure to be an instant classic.”–Victoria Christopher Murray, New York Times bestselling co-author of The Personal Librarian

“How do we not all know the name of Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield? The story of this brilliant singer — a Black woman born enslaved who performed both sides of the Atlantic in the years before and during the Civil War — is finally given its just due.”   –Marie Benedict, New York Times bestselling author of The First Ladies

Before the Civil War, Black opera singer Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield reigned supreme on Northern stages—even performing at Buckingham Palace. Novelist Tiffany L Warren brings this remarkable but forgotten diva’s remarkable story to life for modern readers.

Born into slavery on a Mississippi plantation, Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield has been raised in the safety of Philadelphia’s Quaker community by a wealthy adoptive mother. Sheltered and educated, Eliza’s happy childhood always included music lessons to nurture her unique gift: a glorious three octave singing voice that leaves listeners in awe. But on the eve of her twenty-fourth birthday, young Eliza’s world is thrown into a tailspin when her mother dies.

Eliza’s inheritance is contested by her mother’s white cousins, leaving her few options. She can marry her longtime beau, Lucien, though she has no desire to be a wife and mother. Or she can work as a tutor for rich families. Her mother’s dying wish was for Eliza to pursue her talent and become a professional singer, but that grand vision now seems out of reach.

When a chance performance on a steamboat to Buffalo, New York, leads to a surprising opportunity, fearless Eliza seizes her moment. Within a year she is touring America, singing to packed houses, and igniting controversy wherever she goes. In a country captivated by “the Swedish Nightingale” Jenny Lind, Eliza is billed by tour promoters as “the Black Swan.” An unlikely diva, Eliza is tall, dark-skinned, and robust of figure compared to the petite European prima donna, but even the harshest critics can’t deny Eliza’s extraordinary gift. Menaced by racist crowds, threatened by slave-catchers who kidnap free Black people, Eliza lives a public life full of risk, but one which also holds the promise of great riches, and the freedoms those buy.

From the churches of Philadelphia to Queen Victoria’s salon in Buckingham Palace, Eliza Greenfield will blaze her own path—with a voice that no listener will ever forget.

Click HERE to read the first chapter of The Unexpected Diva

Click HERE to Preorder from your favorite retailer!

Kissed By the Sun: Book 1 & 2

About the series:

Kissed by the Sun Book One: Tower of Babel

When a solar event (the surge) curses melanin-deficient humans with fatal burns or terminal skin cancer; but blesses melanin-rich humans with telepathy and increased intelligence, the world’s hierarchy is tilted on its axis. But for interracial couple and NASA doctors, Judah and Paige Cranston, there’s more on the line than ancient ideals.

Now, due to Judah’s inability to tolerate verbal speech and Paige’s inability to understand telepathy, they must rely on sign language to communicate. But the chasm between them grows as Judah’s intelligence allows him to participate in an advanced warp space travel program with Paige’s work nemesis Zyan, who was Judah’s ‘work wife’ before the surge, but now is his confidante and maybe mistress. Paige can’t be sure, but Judah’s work hours are getting longer while no one seems to be interested in finding a solution that allows melanin-deficient people to come outside during the daylight hours.

The only one who seems to care about the melanin-deficient is Ethan Wright, a former megachurch pastor turned underground activist with one mission, to save the remnant white race. After a catastrophic work function leaves Paige feeling distraught, she teams with Ethan to launch an underground movement behind Judah’s back, while he’s in Miami with Zyan researching a potential cure for the surge’s impacts. Will Paige’s betrayal push Judah into Zyan’s welcoming arms?

Click Here to read the first THREE chapters!

Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple Books

Click HERE to buy on Smashwords (epub for e-readers)

Kissed by the Sun Book Two: Changing of the Guard

In a new world where melanin-deficient people cannot come outside during daylight hours without suffering severe burns or instant terminal cancer—there is one bright spot. A cure.

Developed by NASA scientist Judah Cranston at the urging of his white wife Paige who wants to go to the beach, plant a garden, and try to regain the semblance of a normal life. Using government resources without the permission of his superiors, Judah risks his career, friendship with Zyan, and reputation; putting everything on the line for the woman he loves.

But while the cure might provide protection from the sun, and possibly grant the gift of telepathy, it comes at a steep price. One that Paige may not be willing to pay, even if it means losing her dark knight in shining armor.

Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple Books

Click HERE to buy on Smashwords (epub version for ereaders)

It All Starts With a Story

If you’re the author of a novel, novella, short story, memoir or long poem and have ever thought this could make a good movie or television series, you are not alone. Weekly, I get inboxes, emails and direct messages from authors who want to know how I did it. They want to know the blueprint. Is there a repeatable methodology? Can they do it too?

At first I thought…well…it’s mostly serendipity right? But then, when I started to teach book-to-film bootcamps and helped authors package their work with the help of outlines, treatments, series bibles, pitch decks, and more, I realized that while there is always a little sprinkle of luck in the equation, there is more strategy than most successful authors of these projects care to admit. 

It All Starts With a Story is a little bit cautionary tale, but heavy on tools, tips and techniques on how to get past the Hollywood gatekeepers so you can land your book-to-film deal. It includes a sample query letter and sample treatment that got two of my projects greenlit, it’s chock full of insider secrets, links to resources and craft books to get you on your way, with a little bit of faith-based encouragement to help keep you through the midnight hour.

It’s time for every author to take their rightful place at the television and film table, because every great movie and series starts with a story. Become the hero of yours!

It All Starts With a Story E-Book $14.99 – Click HERE to purchase

Book-To-Film Resource Package $49.99 – Click HERE to purchase

Includes a link to Google Drive with Sample Beat Sheets, Query Letters, Pitch Decks, Series Bibles and Presentations from previous bootcamps


Purinky Products

Did you ever heat a piece of paper before the fire until it was real hot, then lay it upon the table and rub it from end to end with your hand, and finally see it cling to the wall? Were you ever in a factory where there were large belts running rapidly over pulleys or wheels, and where large sparks would jump to your hands when held near the belts? Did you ever heat a piece of paper before the fire until it was real hot, then lay it upon the table and rub it from end to end with your hand.

Make Difference

I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.


Audio Cassette

it is too much for my strength — I sink under the weight of the splendor of these visions! A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. Leverage other’s premier testing procedures vis-a-vis visionary functionalities. Objectively grow accurate customer service and standardized testing procedures.



I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.